[September 5, 2023] The OpenTF fork is now available! Read more >>

The OpenTF Manifesto

Terraform was open-sourced in 2014 under the Mozilla Public License (v2.0) (the “MPL”). Over the next ~9 years, it built up a community that included thousands of users, contributors, customers, certified practitioners, vendors, and an ecosystem of open-source modules, plugins, libraries, and extensions. Then, on August 10th, 2023, with little or no advance notice or chance for much, if not all, of the community to have any input, HashiCorp switched the license for Terraform from the MPL to the Business Source License (v1.1) (the “BUSL”), a non-open source license. In our opinion, this change threatens the entire community and ecosystem that's built up around Terraform over the last 9 years.

Our concern: the BUSL license is a poison pill for Terraform.

Overnight, tens of thousands of businesses, ranging from one-person shops to the Fortune 500 woke up to a new reality where the underpinnings of their infrastructure suddenly became a potential legal risk. The BUSL and the additional use grant written by the HashiCorp team are vague. Now, every company, vendor, and developer using Terraform has to wonder whether what they are doing could be construed as competitive with HashiCorp's offerings. The FAQ provides some solace for end-customers and systems integrators today, but even if you might be in the clear now, how can you build confidence that your usage won't violate the license terms in the future? What if your products or HashiCorp's products change? What if HashiCorp changes how they interpret “competitive”? What if they change the license again? As a result, everything that uses Terraform is on shaky ground.

It is clear that under the new license, the thriving ecosystem built around the open-source Terraform will dwindle and wither. As developers consider what tools to learn and what ecosystems to contribute to, and as companies consider what tools to use to manage their infrastructure, more and more, they'll pick alternatives that are genuinely open-source. Existing Terraform codebases will turn into outdated liabilities, independent tooling will all but disappear, and the community will fracture and disappear.

This sort of change also harms all similar open-source projects. Every company and every developer now needs to think twice before adopting and investing in an open-source project in case the creator suddenly decides to change the license. Imagine if the creators of Linux or Kubernetes suddenly switched to a non-open-source license that only permitted non-competitive usage.

We believe that the essential building blocks of the modern Internet, such as Linux, Kubernetes, and Terraform need to be truly open source: that is the only way to ensure that we are building our industry on top of solid and predictable underpinnings.

Our goal: ensure Terraform remains truly open source—always.

Our aim with this manifesto is to return Terraform to a fully open-source license. BUSL is not open source, so this would mean moving Terraform back to the MPL license, or some other well-known, widely accepted open-source license (e.g., Apache License 2.0). Moreover, we want to be confident that Terraform will always remain open source, so you don't have to worry about another sudden license change putting everything at risk.

Our request to HashiCorp: switch Terraform back to an open-source license.

We ask HashiCorp to do the right thing by the community: instead of going forward with the BUSL license change, switch Terraform back to a truly open source license and commit to keeping it that way forever going forward. That way, instead of fracturing the community, we end up with a single, impartial, reliable home for Terraform where the whole community can unite to keep building this amazing ecosystem.

Our fallback plan: fork Terraform into a foundation.

If HashiCorp is unwilling to switch Terraform back to an open-source license, we propose to fork the legacy MPL-licensed Terraform and maintain the fork in the foundation. This is similar to how Linux and Kubernetes are managed by foundations (the Linux Foundation and the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, respectively), which are run by multiple companies, ensuring the tool stays truly open source and neutral and not at the whim of any one company.

In particular, we want to create a foundation for Terraform that is:

Contact us

If you are a member of the community, a member of the press, an employee of HashiCorp, or anyone else with questions or feedback to share, you can reach the team behind this manifesto by emailing us at pledge@opentf.org.

Join our Reddit community and follow us on twitter!


Frequently Asked Questions

Is OpenTF going to be a foundation?

We strongly prefer joining an existing reputable foundation over creating a new one. Stay tuned for additional details in the coming week.

Can anyone pledge?

Yes, the pledge is open to both all individuals and all companies who care about the future of Terraform. You can also support this initiative by starring this manifesto repository on GitHub and spreading the word via share buttons.

I'm a regular Terraform user, and I'm not competing with HashiCorp. Why should I care?

How do you know you're not competing with HashiCorp?

That's not meant to be a redundant or snarky question. The key issue with the BUSL is that the wording is intentionally vague. What does "competing" mean? What does "hosting or embedding" mean? Who decides?

The answer to all these questions is that, in order to really know if you're a competitor, you have to reach out to HashiCorp. So whether your usage is valid is not controlled by the terms of the license, but is instead entirely at the whim of HashiCorp. They get to decide on a case-by-case basis who is and who isn't a competitor—and they can change their mind at any time.

That is a very shaky footing on which to build anything.

At every company you ever work at in the future, before starting to use Terraform, the CTO will have to think about whether HashiCorp could possibly consider you a competitor, now or at any time in the future. The legal team at that company will have to wonder if they want to take the risk of allowing a BUSL license or if they should ban it due to all the uncertainty. Every developer at that company will have to wonder if they want to contribute back to Terraform, given there's no certainty they'll be able to use their own work at a future job.

In short, the BUSL is a poison pill for the entire Terraform community.

Doesn't forking hurt the whole community? Why take such a brash action?

Terraform was under the MPL license for ~9 years. This created an understanding—an implicit contract—that Terraform is open-source and you can use it for just about anything you want. Based on that understanding, tens of thousands of developers adopted the tool and contributed back to it. HashiCorp even had all contributors sign a CLA which explicitly said (link to the CLA in the Internet Archive as HashiCorp has of course removed this wording):

HashiCorp is committed to having a true Free and Open Source Software (“FOSS”) license for our non-commercial software. A CLA enables HashiCorp to safely commercialize our products while keeping a standard FOSS license with all the rights that the license grants to users: the ability to use the project in their own projects or businesses, to republish modified source, or to fork the project completely.

The move to BUSL—which is not a free and open source license—broke the implicit contract. That was the brash action!

Terraform would've never gotten the adoption it did, or all the contributions from the community had it not been open-source. Most of us would've never agreed to the CLA to contribute to the project if it was BUSL licensed. Taking all those contributions and all that community trust, and then changing to the BUSL license is a bait and switch.

The OpenTF manifesto is about undoing those changes! It's about going back to the way Terraform was for the first ~9 years: as a truly open-source tool that we can all trust, contribute to, and use as we wish.

Didn't HashiCorp adopt BUSL to deter vendors who were using Terraform but not contributing back?

In the blog post where HashiCorp announces the switch to BUSL, and they justify the license switch as a response to the following:

However, there are other vendors who take advantage of pure OSS models, and the community work on OSS projects, for their own commercial goals, without providing material contributions back. We don’t believe this is in the spirit of open source.

This is inaccurate and misleading. First of all, many of the vendors affected by the change to BUSL have made considerable contributions to the Terraform community. Here are just a handful of examples:

And so much more. Tools like Terraform don't live in isolation: they are part of a large ecosystem. The same is true of Kubernetes or Linux or Go or other major infrastructure tools. The ecosystem is a big part of why you pick those tools in the first place: that way, you know you'll be able to hire people who know the tools, find answers to your questions online, find libraries/extensions/etc to save you time, and so on.

Of course, no one is questioning HashiCorp's contribution here. They created Terraform and led the project to where it is today. They deserve full credit for that. But to not acknowledge the tens of thousands of developers, many of whom worked at a variety of "vendors," who contributed to the ecosystem and played a pivotal role in Terraform's success is misleading, at best.

Terraform didn't get to where it is today solely due to HashiCorp's involvement. The entire community, vendors included, played a huge part in that. To not acknowledge that is bad. To then take all those contributions from the community—which would've never happened had Terraform not been open source—and put them under a commercial license so those contributors might not be able to use their own work in the future is even worse.

And finally, there have been many contributions that were attempted, but HashiCorp rejected them because it made their paid offerings (TFC/TFE) less compelling. The classic one is the dozens of issues and PRs submitted about encrypting state, all of which TF has ignored, as storing state securely is a selling point of TFC/TFE.

HashiCorp deserves to earn a return on their investment. What's wrong with that?

When any company releases their tool as open source, the contract with the community is always the same: Anyone can use this code, but we the creators hold a privileged position of being at the epicenter of the ecosystem. Vendors then compete to offer the best solution, and the creators enjoy a unique competitive advantage.

We believe that HashiCorp should earn a return by leveraging its unique position in the Terraform ecosystem to build a better product, not by outright preventing others from competing in the first place.


We acknowledge that maintaining an open-source project such as Terraform takes a considerable investment in terms of time, skill, effort, and coordination. We are grateful to HashiCorp for creating Terraform and their leadership in getting it to this point, and to the thousands of community members for their contributions so far. The next step for Terraform must be to remain open source, either by HashiCorp switching it back to a truly open-source license or by us forking it into a foundation. Whichever way it turns out, to ensure that there is sufficient investment to grow and evolve Terraform, the signatories below pledge to pool our resources to build a more open, inclusive future for an open-source Terraform.


If you’re willing to join our cause, please sign the manifesto as follows:

  1. Check out the manifesto repo (instructions).
  2. Add a new row to the end of the table below with your details.
  3. Open a pull request with your changes (instructions).


Name Type How you'd like to help
Harness Company Cover the cost of 5 FTEs for at least 5 years
Gruntwork Company Development; open-source community efforts
Spacelift Company Cover the cost of 5 FTEs for at least 5 years
env0 Company Cover the cost of 5 FTEs for at least 5 years
Scalr Company Cover the cost of 3 FTEs for at least 5 years
Digger Company Development; open-source community efforts
Buildkite Company RPM/DEB Package hosting via Packagecloud
Cloudflare Company Hosting and additional services
Massdriver Company Compute; Development; open-source community efforts
Terrateam Company Development; open-source community efforts
Doppler Company Development; open-source community efforts
Gem Agile Company Development; open-source community efforts
Qovery Company Development; open-source community efforts
Rivet Company Development; open-source community efforts
Terramate Company Development; open-source community efforts
Verifa Company Development; open-source community efforts
Argonaut Company Development; open-source community efforts
B1 Systems GmbH Company Development; open-source community efforts
Finisterra Company Development; open-source community efforts
AutoCloud Company Development; open-source community efforts
35up Company Testing; code reviews; open-source community efforts
Cirrus Assessment Company Testing; minor development; open-source community efforts
Amach Company Development; open-source community efforts
SMS Data Products Company Development; open-source community efforts
Cloud Posse Company Development; open-source community efforts
Masterpoint Company Development; open-source community efforts
RoseSecurity Research Company Development; open-source community efforts
CloudDrove Company Development; open-source community efforts
Red Queen Dynamics Company Development; open-source community efforts
Octo Ventures Company Development; open-source community efforts
Oxide Computer Company Company Development; open-source community efforts
Vates Company Development; open-source community efforts
Coherence Company Development; open-source community efforts
Nullstone Company Development; open-source community efforts
Hestio Company Testing; documentation; open-source community efforts
appCD Company Development; open-source community efforts
CloudKnit Company Development; open-source community efforts
Code Factory Company Development; open-source community efforts
Indeo Solutions Company Development; open-source community efforts
0pass Company Development; open-source community efforts
AppsCode Company Development; open-source community efforts
Firefly Company Development; open-source community efforts
ControlMonkey Company Development; open-source community efforts
Labyrinth Labs Company Development; open-source community efforts
Wakam Company Development; open-source community efforts
Zerodha Tech Company Development; open-source community efforts
Ahead Guru Company Development; open-source community efforts; Consultant and Solutions Provider
HanaByte Company Development; open-source community efforts
OpenTeams Company (Collective) Community Work Orders; Open Source Business Development; OSA Community Support
Quansight Company Development; Usage Testing esp. from SciPyData ecosystem; open-source community efforts
Veo Technologies Company Development; open-source community efforts
ReferrsMe Company Development; open-source community efforts
FivexL Company Development; open-source community efforts; sponsorship
Funky Penguin Company Documentation; open-source community efforts
OpsVox Company Documentation; open-source community efforts
Sailorcloud Company Cover the cost of 1 FTE for at least 2 years
Stakater Company Development; open-source community efforts
Recursive Labs LTD Company Development; open-source community efforts and Open Source foundation experience
American Cloud Company Development; open-source community efforts
Inceptive Custom Software Solutions Company Development; open-source community efforts
Cloud Cauldron Ltd Company Development; open-source community efforts
CMPSOARES Lda. - Consultancy Services Company Development; open-source community efforts
Cloudresty Company Development; open-source community efforts
ColoradoColo Company Development; open-source community efforts; Hosting and server environments
Nuvibit Company Development; open-source community efforts
Sentinella Company Development; open-source community efforts
mkdev Company Development; open-source community efforts
Facets.cloud Company Development; open-source community efforts;
ADV-IT Company Development; open-source community efforts
QDO Company Development; open-source community efforts; Consultant and Solutions Provider
StackGuardian Company Development; open-source community efforts
Raftech™ Company Development; Open-source community efforts;
Cloudacious Company Open-source community efforts; DevOps; Documentation; Teaching
Checkout.com Company Development; open-source community efforts
SparrowLabs Company Development; open-source community efforts
Cloudanix Company Development; open-source community efforts
SikaLabs Company Development; open-source community efforts
Argo DevOps Solutions Ltd Company Development; open-source community efforts
PublicGood Foundation Company Development; open-source community efforts
datarabbit.ai Company Development; open-source community efforts
Improwised Technologies Company Documentation; Testing; Development; open-source community efforts
Halcyon Days Consulting Company Development; open-source community efforts
foundata Company Development; open-source community efforts
BigBox LLC Company Development; open-source community; Different IaaS stack deployment
Red Arcs Consulting GmbH Company Development; open-source community
DynamicOps Limited Company Cloud Infrastructure; Security; Development
safeINIT Company Testing; open-source community efforts;
WebRiot Company Development; open-source community efforts
Cloud Code AI Company Development; open-source community efforts;
Firework Company Testing; minor development; open-source community efforts;
Venture Guides Company Development; open-source community efforts
Mixpanel Company Testing; minor development; open-source community efforts
ReLambda - Cloud Services & Consulting Company Testing; minor development; open-source community efforts
Initializ Company Development; open-source community efforts
DevOpsFury Company Development; open-source community efforts
Oblak Solutions Company Development; Hosting; open-source community efforts
HMH Sistemas Company Development;DevOps; open-source community efforts
CloudHero Company Testing; minor development; open-source community efforts
Infisical Company Development; testing; code reviews; open-source community efforts
Think Stack Limited Company DevOps; open-source community efforts
Nuro Company Development; open-source community efforts
Maxa AI Company Development; open-source community efforts
Zodi Innovations Company Development; open-source community efforts
Digitall Expert Company Development; open-source community efforts
Coderollers Company Development; open-source community efforts; Consultant and Solutions Provider
CloudCover Company Development; open-source community efforts
Tubular Labs Company Testing; open-source community efforts
SJULTRA, Inc. Company SJULTRA helps customers adopt IaC methods for automation
Zeet.co Company Zeet helps teams scale multi-cloud operations and build internal developer platforms. Development; open-source community efforts
ventx GmbH Company Testing; minor development; open-source community efforts
Defense Unicorns Company Development; open-source community efforts
OpsFun Company DevSecOps; Open-source community efforts
Infraspec Company Development/DevOps/Automation/Infrastructure Platform/SRE; ;Open-source community efforts
June.so Company Testing; minor development; open-source community efforts
ANNA Money Company Development/DevOps/Infrastructure Platform/SRE; open-source community efforts
Ambiente Livre Company Development; open-source community efforts
Krashproof Company Development; open-source community efforts
10nxt Company Development; open-source community efforts
RemoteState Company DevOps/IaC/CNI; open-source community efforts
Radius Method Company Development; Documentation; DevOps; open-source community efforts
SearchApi Company Testing; minor development; open-source community efforts
AbrikoTech Company Development; DevOps; open-source community efforts
DevYops Company Development; Testing; open-source community efforts
Amoniac OÜ Company Development/DevOps; open-source community efforts
R42B TechSolutions Company DevOps; minor development; open-source community
IOPSHub Company Development; DevOps; Automation; Infrastructure Platform; SRE; Open-source community efforts
Geekylama Company Design, Develop, & Deploy High Quality Software
bespinian Company Cloud-native engineering; open-source community efforts
Dencitrus S.L. Company Software Engineering & Product Design; open-source community efforts
it-excelsus GmbH Company Development; Testing; open-source community efforts
Brainboard Company Software Engineering; Product Design; Testing; open-source community efforts
Corewide Company Testing; open-source community efforts
CANCOM Company CI/CD; open-source community efforts
Zanichelli Editore Company Development; open-source community efforts
Cloudponents Company UK based DevOps Consultancy; open-source community efforts
Sopra Steria AS Company Development; Cloud-native engineering; open-source community efforts
DeployMode Company Development; open-source community efforts; tooling provider; consulting;
Devix Labs Company Development; open-source community efforts
Cloud Native Hero! Company DevOps; SRE; Platform Development; open-source community efforts
Code Fundi Company Development; open-source community efforts
Safespring Company Open-source community efforts
Mantle Company Development; DevOps; open-source community efforts
SREDevOps.org Company SRE, DevOps and Platform Engineering Community
Kineo.ai Company Open-source community efforts
The New York Public Library Company Development; open-source community efforts
Strike Company Cybersecurity; open-source community efforts
Refactor Company Development; open-source community efforts
Duonyx Company Promoting and teaching Terraform for years when it comes to Infra-as-Code
TheGarageBandOfIT Company Promoting and teaching Terraform for years when it comes to Infra-as-Code
binbash Company Development; open-source community efforts
NearForm Company Product Engineering, Platform and DevOps, Node TSC, OpenJS Foundation, open-source community efforts
QConnex Company DevOps, SRE, Platform Development, Open-Source Community Efforts, Consulting and Solutions Provider
Studio Mesh Company Development; open-source community efforts
junktext Company Teaching; consulting services; open-source community efforts
Mydex Data Services Community Interest Company Company Minor Development; Testing; open-source community efforts
OTF Project Development; open-source community efforts
Terrakube Project Development; open-source community efforts
Kubestack Project Development; open-source community efforts
Elastic2ls Project Development; open-source community efforts
Layerform Project Development; open-source community efforts
terraform-docs Project Development; open-source community efforts
Stacklet Project Development; open-source community efforts
theserverfault.com Project Development; open-source community efforts; Extension and Providers
Nebari Project Development; open-source community efforts
Terraspace Project Development; open-source community efforts
MARS Project Project Testing and Development; open-source community efforts
Recube Company Testing and Development; Cloud-native engineering; open-source community efforts
Payly Soluções de Pagamentos Company Financial Services
tenv Project Testing and Development; open-source community efforts
Infra7 Soluções em TI Company Testing and Development; Cloud-native engineering; open-source community efforts
DevRev Company Neural engine for development and customer support; open-source community efforts
Lost Newbs Foundation Teaching Newbs
Paul Becker Individual DevOps; Cloud; Helping organizations adopt modern IaC practices and principles
Connor Finnell Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Navdeep JaJoria Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Andy Chen Individual Development; open-source community efforts; witness and stand with openTofu from the very beginning
Miguel Zenteno Individual Development; open-source community efforts; Helping teams adopt scalable Open Source IaC tools
Cristian Vlad Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Mariano Rodríguez Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Ted Parvu Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Mike Hodgkins Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Alireza Mirzaeiyan Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Thomas Schuetz Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Kelvin Soares Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Chris Doyle Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Alex Panayi Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Sandro Manke Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Dave Overall Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Jeff Frasca Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Jeff Wenzbauer Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Alex Levinson Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Michael Pursifull Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Teodor Kostadinov Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Patrick Jain-Taylor Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Daniel Ristic Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Debasish Mishra Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Eddie Herbert Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Talal Tahir Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Kevin Rathbun Individual Development; open-source community efforts
David Douglas Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Coin Graham Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Jim Jagielski Individual Development; open-source community efforts and Open Source foundation experience
Maciej Strzelecki Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Ioannis Polyzos Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Elvis McNeely Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Yoaquim Cintron Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Viktor Nagornyy Individual Open-source community efforts; Non-profit experience; Fundraising/Open Collective
Ronny López Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Khrist Hansen Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Fatih Tokus Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Bill Oberacker Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Tiago Rodrigues Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Nik Kotov Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Nikolay Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Simón Ramos Individual Development; open-source community efforts
John Walsh Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Zoltan Vigh Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Ilyas Hamdi Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Samuel Phan Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Denis Vaumoron Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Lawal AbdulLateef Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Nils Knieling Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Bruno Schaatsbergen Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Aymen Segni Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Luis M. Gallardo D. Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Willi Carlsen Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Lucas Tesson Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Simon Effenberg Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Ofer Chen Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Arthur Busser Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Ahmed Qazi Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Oliver Shaw Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Nikul Jain Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Alex Torres Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Rasmus Rask Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Henare Degan Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Vineet Pal Singh Rauniwal Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Bruno Mattarollo Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Mahesh Rijal Individual Testing; Documentation; open-source community efforts
Thomas van Latum Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Piotr Plenik Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Nguyen Duy Phuong Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Diego Cristóbal Individual Development; open-source community efforts and Open Source foundation experience
Yasha Prikhodko Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Allie Coleman Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Scott A. Williams Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Kevin Zheng Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Gayan Hewa Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Yadav Lamichhane Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Wan Azlan Wan Mansor Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Ben McNicholl Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Minchul Joh Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Karan Sharma Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Colin Wilson Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Dylan Hitt Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Thomas Senay Individual Testing; Documentation
Alik Khilazhev Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Gary Mclean Individual Development; open-source community efforts
David Jones Individual Development; Consultancy; Leveraging OS tools on behalf of clients
Bob Rohan Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Javier Ruiz Jimenez Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Igor Rodionov Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Sumeet Ninawe Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Ravish Tiwari Individual Development; open-source community efforts; Helping teams adopt scalable Open Source IaC tools
Alexander Sharov Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Nikolai Mishin Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Mykhailo Tiapko Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Ovidiu BOGDAN Individual Development; open-source community efforts; Testing; Documentation;
Webert Lima Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Mahsoud Badalbaev Individual Development; Research; Testing; Helping teams adopt scalable Open Source IaC tools
Farshad Nematdoust Individual open-source community efforts; Testing; Helping teams adopt scalable Open Source IaC tools
Roozbeh Shafiee Individual Development; Research; Testing; Helping teams adopt scalable Open Source IaC tools
Eran Elbaz Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Razvan Cranganu Individual Development; open-source community efforts; Documentation;
Yuriy Medvedev Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Piotr Mossakowski Individual Development; Testing; Documentation; open-source community efforts
Włodzimierz Gajda Individual Development; Research; Testing; Helping teams adopt scalable Open Source IaC tools
Bennie Mosher Individual Development; Research; Testing; Helping teams adopt scalable Open Source IaC tools
Alessio Dionisi Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Thom (Spyro) Smith Individual Development; Testing; open-source community efforts
Alan Ip Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Ayodele Spencer Ademeso Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Ken Spur Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Pedro Freitas Individual Development; open-source community efforts; Helping teams adopt scalable Open Source IaC tools
Shubham Gopale Individual Development; open-source community efforts and Open Source foundation experience
Audun V. Nes Individual Testing; open-source community efforts
Aniket Singh Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Adam Comerford Individual Testing; Documentation
Alex M. Schapelle Individual Development;Operations;Reasearch;Consult open-source community efforts
Phillipe Smith Individual Development; open-source community efforts; Helping teams adopt scalable Open Source IaC tools
Nicolas Faugeroux Individual Development; open-source community efforts and Open Source foundation experience
Alan Jumeaucourt Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Andy Tan Individual Development; Testing; open-source community efforts
Adam Miller Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Maximiliano Alberto Di Pietro Individual Development; open-source community efforts
RUI Individual Development; open-source community efforts
David Cohan Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Rick Christy Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Ross Mason Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Dheeraj Kumar Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Maeghan Porter Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Wesley Kirkland Individual Open-source community efforts
Aron Wagner Individual Open-source community efforts
Oldrich Vykydal Individual Development; Research; Testing; Helping teams adopt scalable Open Source IaC tools
John Dyer Individual Development; open-source community efforts and Open Source foundation experience
Frédéric Harper Individual Development, open-source community efforts, Open Source foundation experience, and helping teams adopt scalable Open Source IaC tools.
Steven Kreitzer Individual Development; Research; Testing; Helping teams adopt scalable Open Source IaC tools
Robert Lilly Individual Development; open-source community efforts and Open Source foundation experience
Robert Hafner Individual, Author Development; open-source community efforts; Documentation; author of Terraform in Depth
Alexander As Individual Open-source community efforts; Testing; Helping adopt scalable Open Source IaC tools
Richard Rives Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Jeff Alyanak Individual Development; open-source community efforts; Testing; Documentation
Saeed Hosseini Individual Development; Testing; Documentation; open-source community efforts
Ben Jackson Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Jason Hollis Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Eli Shalnev Individual Platform architecture; Development; Testing; Documentation; open-source community efforts
Matthew Weingarten Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Dougie Peart Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Joe Ciskey Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Ernest Mallett Individual Development; Testing; open-source community efforts
Michael Foster Individual Development; open-source community efforts; Help teams adopt scalable Open Source IaC tools
Raphael Cardoso Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Randy Wallace Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Dennis Mwangi Individual Software Engineer
Roman Ryzhyi Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Juan Pablo Calvo Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Wesley Charles Blake Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Ervin Szilagyi Individual Platform architecture; Development; Testing; Documentation; open-source community efforts
Chris Funderburg Individual Platform architecture; Development; Testing; Documentation; open-source community efforts
Rafael da Cruz Individual SRE; open-source community efforts, Help teams adopt scalable Open Source tools
Davi Miranda Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Rogelio Di Pasquale Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Sebastian Fyda Individual Development; open-source community efforts
David Cantos C. Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Jonathan Arana Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Sam Wuraola Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Thiago Leoncio Scherrer Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Ulises Magana Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Ramon Silveira Borges Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Charles Ferguson Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Wanis Fahmy Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Arturo Delgado Individual Development; devops/infra help where needed; promote the word of FOSS
Glenn Rolland Individual Development; Research; Testing; Open-source community efforts
Sergey Lanzman Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Keegan McIver Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Felipe Freitas de Oliveira Individual Open-source community efforts
Jeff Geerling Individual Documentation; open-source community efforts
Sander van Zoest Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Pratik Lawate Individual DevOps; CLoud; Help teams adopt scalable Open Source IaC tools
Tyler Fougere Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Minecraftchest1 Individual Enthusiasts
Kellen Anker Individual Development; open-source community efforts
James Caldow Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Luis Gonzalez Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Kai Korla Individual Research; Testing; Helping teams adopt scalable Open Source IaC tools
Carlos Manuel Soares Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Fabio Segredo Individual open-source community efforts; Testing; Documentation; Helping adopt scalable Open Source IaC tools
Nikhil Sodemba Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Sanjay Sachdev Individual Development; Documentation; open-source community efforts
Evans Tucker Individual Social Media - spreading awareness of FOSS and its importance. And DevOps/infra help, if needed.
Devin Young Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Manal Lamine Individual Development; open-source community efforts; Helping teams adopt scalable Open Source IaC tools
Keri Melich Individual Development; Testing; open-source community efforts
Dan Piet Individual Development; Testing; open-source community efforts
Guillermo Alvarado Individual Development; Documentation; open-source community efforts and DevOps/infra help, if needed.
Enmanuel Moreira Individual Documentation; open-source community efforts
Julio C. Ortega Individual Development; Testing; open-source community efforts;VaSLibre F/LOSS Group
Zachary Ness Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Sanjay Hona Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Burak Cansizoglu Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Andre Bacao Individual Development; Terraform Advocate; open-source community efforts; Helping teams adopt scalable Open Source IaC tools
Seonbo Shim Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Kei Vin Cheng Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Son Bui Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Samuel Tan Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Bharathkumarraju Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Renjith Pillai Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Aditya Krishnakumar Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Nathanael Demacon Individual Research; Development; Open-source community efforts; Terraform provider developer at a cloud provider
Rémi FLAMENT Individual Development in opensource modules; open-source community efforts
Maximilian Kratz Individual Development; Documentation; Open-source community efforts
Dr. Ogg Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Lage Berger-Brendryen Individual DevOps; Cloud; Helping organizations adopt modern IaC practices and principles
Koen van Zuijlen Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Robin Opletal Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Stefan Castor Individual Development; Terraform Advocate; open-source community efforts; Helping teams adopt scalable Open Source IaC tools
Dmitry Averkiev Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Ciprian Ursu Individual DevOps/Cloud Consultant; open-source community efforts
Basil Pozdeev Individual Development; open-source community efforts
KD Puvvadi Individual Open-source community efforts; DevOps; Documentation; Development
Andrew Red Individual Open-source community efforts; DevOps; Development; Helping companies adopt scalable Open Source IaC practices and tools
SurfingDoggo Individual Instructional videos; Open-source community efforts; Terraform Contributor
Ariel Weiss Individual Open-source community efforts; Development
Adrian Otrębski Individual Open-source community efforts; DevOps; Development; Testing; Helping companies adopt scalable Open Source IaC practices and tools
Adam Walton Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Xavier Mignot Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Carsten Agger Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Dusan Simek Individual DevOps/Cloud/Infra
Aleh Katsuba Individual Documentation; Development; Testing
Ron Hernaus Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Chris Simpson Individual Development; DevOps; open-source community efforts
Steven Billington Individual Documentation; Development; Testing; open-source community efforts
Rúben Almeida Individual DevOps/Cloud; open-source community efforts
Justin Smith Individual Documentation; DevOps; open-source community efforts
Igor Eulalio Individual Documentation; DevOps; open-source community efforts
David Hill Individual Documentation; Development; Testing
Robin Gruyters Individual Terraform advocate; Testing; open-source community efforts
Ajinkya Bhabal Individual Documentation; DevOps; Testing
Leonardo Rodrigues Individual DevOps; Documentation; Cloud; Open-Source community efforts; Terraform Advocate; Helping organizations adopt modern IaC practices and principles
Tommy Schmidt Individual Development; DevOps; open-source community efforts
Calvin Barker Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Sarfaraz Ahamed G Individual Documentation; DevOps; Testing
Ondrej Sika Individual DevOps; Training; IaC and Terraform Advocate
Osama Faqhruldin Individual SRE; Development; Architecture; open-source community efforts
Sony K. Philip Individual DevSecOps/Cloud/Infra Consultant
Bernd-Kristian Kaczenski Individual Development; Documentation; open-source community efforts
Camilo Santana Individual Documentation; Development; Testing; open-source community efforts
Giovanni Tirloni Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Tom Davidson Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Emil Enchev Individual DevOps/Cloud; open-source community efforts
Niranjan Rajendran Individual Development; Terraform advocate; Testing; Cloud; Devops; open-source community efforts
Raul Neiva Individual Development; DevOps; open-source community efforts
Krzysztof Kotewa Individual Documentation; Development; Testing
Erlis Balla Individual DevOps; Training; Testing
Paul Bauer Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Scott Sanbeg Individual Development; DevOps; GitOps; IaC and Terraform
Daniel Ejv Individual Development; open-source community efforts
John Hixson Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Alex Kisakye Individual DevSecOps; Cloud; Infrastructure Specialist
Adrian Jarc Individual Cloud engineer; Development
Tim Heurich Individual Development; DevOps; open-source community efforts
Dmitry Maletin Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Usman Malik Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Mihnea Staub Individual DevOps; Development; open-source community efforts Development
Jörg Heyduk Individual DevOps; Development; open-source community efforts
Quentin Fleurent Nambot Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Lars With Individual DevOps; Cloud; open-source community efforts
Angel Stankovski Individual DevOps; Cloud; open-source community efforts
Ramon Vermeulen Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Saravanan Palanisamy Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Saim Safdar Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Kumar Saurabh Sinha Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Eric Vallée Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Akbarkhon Amirkhonov Individual DevOps; IaC; Terraform; open-source community efforts
Rob Esker Individual Development; Documentation; open-source community efforts
Quentin JOLY Individual Testing; GitOps; DevOps; IaC; CICD; open-source community efforts
Pascal Hofmann Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Chris Blackden Individual DevOps; Documentation; Training; open-source community efforts
Rory Hughes Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Anand Chandrasekaran Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Alfredo David Romero T. Individual Development; Platform Architecture; open-source community efforts
Matteo Bianchi Individual Development; DevOps; open-source community efforts
Nimit Jyotiana Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Khaled Ezzughayyar Individual Development; Documentation; DevOps; open-source community efforts
Nitin Goyal Individual Development; DevOps; open-source community efforts
Clinton Santa Coloma Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Arthur Rio Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Kevin Fagan Individual Development; open-source community efforts
David Berndtsson Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Mahesh Dhungel Individual Development; Fullstack and open-source community efforts
Mr. Philipp Individual SW Development manager; open-source community efforts
Charlie Pearce Individual Administration; open-source community efforts
Agustin Favoretti Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Szymon Kodrębski Individual Development; DevOps; IaC; open-source community efforts
Stephane Bernier Individual Cloud Architect, DevOps; Cloud; Helping organizations adopt modern IaC practices and principles
An Nguyen Individual Development; DevOps; open-source community efforts
Alwin Doss Individual SW Developer; open-source community efforts
4s3ti Individual Development; DevOps; CI/CD; Infrastructure; Testing; Documentation; open-source community efforts
André Veiga Individual open-source community efforts
José Antonio Reyes Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Chandan Pasunoori Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Shlomi Matichin Individual SW Development manager; open-source community efforts
Ajay Pasunoori Individual DevOps; open-source community efforts
Souyama Debnath Individual Testing & development; Helping adopt scalable Open Source IaC tools; open-source community efforts
Diego Rabatone Oliveira Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Matt Beckett Individual Cloud Native Platform Architecture; open-source community efforts
Owen Farrell Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Hasan Ozgan Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Arun Shah Individual Development; DevOps; Site Reliability Engineer; AWS; Kubernetes; open-source community efforts
Drupi Individual Development; open-source community efforts/td>
João Moura Individual DevOps; IaC; Terraform; Software Engineer
Moulick Aggarwal Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Mathis Joffre Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Adriano Francisco dos Santos Individual Development; Documentation, open-source community efforts
Igor L. Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Fero Volar Individual DevOps; open-source community efforts
Bertrand Lanson Individual Development; Documentation; open-source community efforts
Shaswat Nimesh Individual Administration; open-source community efforts
Balwant Singh Individual Terraform advocate; Consultant and Solutions Provider; Development; open-source community efforts
Erez Samimi Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Alexander Ruch Individual Development; DevOps; CI/CD; Infrastructure; Testing; Documentation; open-source community efforts
Müslüm Barış Korkmazer Individual Development; Testing; open-source community efforts
Haymo Hergesell Individual DevOps & Hybrid Platform Architect; open-source community efforts
Alexandre Mioranza Individual DevOps; open-source community efforts
Andreas Zeissner Individual IaC Enthusiast; open-source community efforts
Fahad Ahammed Individual Testing;Documentation;open-source community efforts
Brendon Smith Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Andrew Storrs Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Igor Simon Individual Development and testing; open-source community efforts
A.J. Doak Individual Testing; Documentation; open-source community efforts
Thiwanon Chomcharoen Individual Infrastructure; DevOps; open-source community efforts
Vaidik Kapoor Individual Cloud Native Platform Architecture; open-source community efforts
Glisav Katroshi Individual DevOps; Training; Testing
Arthur Roda Individual DevOps; Cloud Architect; open-source community efforts
Tomas Kummer Individual DevOps; Cloud Engineer; open-source community efforts
Paul Mayne Individual Cloud Infrastructure Architect; DevOps; Cloud; open-source community efforts
Nicholas King Individual DevOps; Cloud Engineer; open-source community efforts
Mario Asabella Individual DevOps; Software Engineer; open-source community efforts
Abel Alejandro Nieva Carrizo Individual DevOps; open-source community efforts
Ellis Percival Individual Development; DevOps; open-source community efforts
Pavel Shklovsky Individual Development; DevOps; open-source community efforts
Joao M. Damas Individual Testing; open-source community efforts
Sergio Saiz Individual Testing; open-source community efforts
Aleksandar Babic Individual Development; DevOps; open-source community efforts
Matheus Bona Individual DevOps; open-source community efforts
Ashwin Gopalsamy Individual Development; Testing; Documentation; Open-source community efforts
Kamil Szczygieł Individual DevOps; open-source community efforts
Alexander Toshev Individual DevOps; open-source community efforts
Pavlo Kutishchev Individual DevOps; open-source community efforts
Gabriele Guidi Individual Testing; Documentation; open-source community efforts
Elijah Wright Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Max Körbächer Individual Open Source Project Organization; Open-source community efforts
Sharanga Thanthiriwaththa Individual Cloud Infrastructure Architect; DevOps; CloudOps; open-source community efforts
Juanjo Garcia Individual DevOps; open-source community efforts
Xiaowei Wang Individual Development; Infrastructure; open-source community efforts
Ercan Ermis Individual Documentation; open-source community efforts
Ashley Hutson Individual Development; DevOps; open-source community efforts
Lee Myring Individual DevOps; open-source community efforts
Mateus Lira Individual DevOps; IaC; Terraform; Documentation
Nicholas Follett Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Jeff Maley Individual Development; Documentation; Testing; open-source community efforts
Julio Arruda Individual Senior Solutions Architect; DevOps; Content Creator
Ondrej Kunc Individual Development; DevOps; CI/CD; Infrastructure; Testing; Documentation; open-source community efforts
Miguel Alexandre Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Javi Corbín Individual DevOps; Cloud Engineer; open-source community efforts
Noam Strauss Individual DevOps; Infrastructure; open-source community efforts
Hakan Kaya Individual DevOps; Infrastructure; open-source community efforts
Massimiliano Donini Individual DevOps; Infrastructure; open-source community efforts
Shimon Ohayon Individual DevOps; Infrastructure; open-source community efforts
Gregory Craane Individual DevOps; Infrastructure; open-source community efforts
Gerlando Caldara Individual Development; DevOps; CI/CD; Infrastructure; Testing; Documentation; open-source community efforts
Alex Atkinson Individual DevOps; Infrastructure; open-source community efforts
Samet Kum Individual DevOps; Cloud Engineer; open-source community efforts
Mikael Allison Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Matheus Fidelis Individual Development; DevOps; Site Reliability Engineer; AWS; Kubernetes; Open-source Community Efforts
Bruno Scheibler Individual Testing;Documentation;open-source community efforts
Piotr Gogolin Individual DevOps; Cloud Engineer; open-source community efforts
Jose Carlos M. Oliveira Jr. Individual Architecture; Development; open-source community efforts
Mayur Raiturkar Individual Documentation; open-source community efforts
Rudi MK Individual DevOps; Infrastructure; Documentation; open-source community efforts
Milton Jesus Individual DevOps; SRE; Developer; Infrastructure; Documentation; open-source community efforts
Henry Chan Individual DevOps; SRE; Developer; Infrastructure; Documentation; open-source community efforts
Rodrigo A. Maureira Contreras Individual DevOps; SRE; Infrastructure; open-source community efforts
Mossaab Stiri Individual DevOps; Cloud Engineer; open-source community efforts
Arnau Martín Individual Platform Engineer; Software Engineer; open-source community efforts
Timo Schmidt Individual Development; Open Source Project Organization; Open-source community efforts
Rogerio Fonseca Individual Platform Engineer; Software Engineer; open-source community efforts
Ramon Domingos Individual Software Engineer; AWS; open-source community efforts
Denis Balan Individual DevSecOps; Cloud Architect; Azure Advocate (MCT); Facilitating IaC evolution for organizations
Ben Kooijman Individual Consultant; Cloud Engineer; open-source community efforts
Roberth Lombardi Individual DevOps; Cloud Architect; open-source community efforts
Prateek Jain Individual DevSecOps Lead; open-source community efforts
Jordan Lee Individual DevOps Engineer; CI/CD; Azure Infrastructure; Testing; Documentation
Iben Rodriguez Individual Promote Terraform for Cloud Infrastructure Security and LLM Large Language Model Testing
Muhamad Fauzuwan Bin Muhamad Nazri Individual DevOps; Cloud Engineer; open-source community efforts
Emerson Chalegre Individual DevOps; SRE; Cloud Engineer; open-source community efforts
Stefan Matić Individual DevOps; Infrastructure; open-source community efforts
Justin Roberson Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Naor Peled Individual FullStack Engineer; AWS; Testing; open-source community efforts
Andre Bossi Individual DevOps; Cloud Engineer; Development; Kubernetes; Open-source Community Efforts
Jesse Adelman Individual Development; Triage; Documentation; Demos; Open-source Community Efforts
J. Bobby Lopez Individual DevOps; Cloud Consultant; open-source community efforts
Ny Fanilo Andrianjafy Individual Promote and teach Infrastructure as Code Best practices; Documentation; Demos; Open-source community efforts
Simone Rodigari Individual Open-source community efforts; DevOps; Cloud Engineer; Documentation; Development
Dušan Gligorić Individual Ops; GoLang Development
Anton Yurchenko Individual Development; AWS Architect; DevOps; Documentation; Open-Source Community Efforts;
Natallia Lantsuntsevich Individual DevOps; Cloud Engineer
Olivier Korver Individual SRE; DevOps; Cloud Engineer
Evandro Camargo Individual SRE; DevOps; Cloud Engineer
Jacob Boykin Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Nicolas Fuenzalida Individual SRE; DevOps; Cloud Engineer; Open-Source Community Efforts
Alejandro Lazaro Individual DevSecOps; Open-Source Community Efforts
Gregor Logar Individual DevOps; Development; Cloud Engineer
Axel García Individual Development; DevOps
Kosmas Chatzimichalis Individual SRE; DevOps; Cloud Engineer
zeng zeng Individual Development; Cloud Software Engineer
Veronika Gnilitska Individual Development; open-source community efforts
David Hay Individual Development; Documentation; Platform Design; Open source community efforts
David Calvert Individual Open-Source Community Efforts
Yousif Akbar Individual Development; DevOps
Niels Baltodano Individual DevOps; Development; Cloud Engineer
Ris Adams Individual Development; Cloud Engineer; DevOps; Open-Source Community Efforts;
Krzysztof Nazarewski Individual DevOps; Development; Cloud Engineer
Patrick Decat Individual Development; Testing; Open-Source Community Efforts; Documentation; Cloud Engineer
Manish Khadka Individual DevOps; SRE; Development; Testing; open-source community efforts, Documentation; Cloud Engineer
laexiv Individual SecOps; open-source community efforts
Yulian Kuncheff Individual Development; DevOps; Cloud Engineer
Bogdan Naydenov Individual Principal DevOps Engineer
Erkan Cimen Individual Development; Architect; DevOps
Max Thomson Individual SRE; DevOps; Cloud Engineer
Ryan Nemeth Individual Development; SRE; DevOps
Guto Carvalho Individual Sysadmin; Cloud Engineer, DevOps Enthusiast, open-source community
Aiman Zaidi Individual DevOps; Cloud Engineer; open-source community efforts
Pawel Augustyn Individual Development; Open-source community efforts
Hernán García Individual DevOps
Shiv Patil Individual DevOps; Development; Cloud Engineer; Infrastructure Engineer; HPC
Dmitry Kisler Individual Development; Software Engineer; Platform Engineer; Golang; AWS; GCP; Infrastructure; Documentation; CI/CD; open-source community efforts
Lanusse Morais Individual Sysadmin; Technology Enthusiast, Devops, SRE, open-source community
Mohammad Ghazal Individual SRE; DevOps; Cloud Engineer
Denis Germain Individual DevOps; Documentation; Open-source Community Efforts
Mark Butler Individual Development; open-source community efforts
João Neto Individual DevOps; SRE; Developer; Infrastructure; Documentation; open-source community efforts
Alexander Olenberg Individual Development; DevOps
Bill Hegazy Individual AWS; DevOps; Documentation; Open-Source Community Efforts;
Kirill Ader Individual DevOps; Cloud Engineer; IaC; AWS; Kubernetes; Terraform
Cyrus Li Individual DevOps; Cloud Engineer; Development; Testing; Open-source community efforts
Trevor Case Individual InfoSec Engineer; DevSecOps; AWS; IaC; Open-Source Community efforts
Marcos Oliveira Jr Individual DataEngineer; DataOps; IaC; AWS; Azure; Docker; Kubernetes; Terraform
Meysam Azad Individual DevOps; SRE; Developer; Infrastructure; Documentation; open-source community efforts
Per Jahn Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Ranveer Meel Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Dor Munis Individual SW Development manager; open-source community efforts
Raghunath Nair Individual DevOps; MLOps; IaC; Azure; GCP; Docker; Kubernetes; Terraform; Databricks
Diogo Barbosa Individual Development; DevOps; CI/CD; Infrastructure; Cloud; Open-Source Community efforts
Fabio Pasetti - CloudFire Individual DevOps; Cloud Engineer; IaC; Openstack; Kubernetes; Terraform; and so on..
Sungjin Kang Individual Development; DevOps; Documentation; i18n,l10n; open-source community efforts
Ari Mizrahi Individual SoftwareEngineer; Infosec; Go; AWS; CI/CD; Rust (not endorsed by the Rust Foundation®)
Bjorn van der Laan Individual Development; Testing; Documentation; open-source community efforts
Furkan Demir Individual DevOps; Cloud Engineer; IaC; AWS; Azure; Kubernetes; Terraform
Goran Vasić Individual DevOps; Open-Source Community efforts
Marcin Cuber Individual DevOps; SRE; Kubernetes; IaC; AWS; Terraform
Danh Huynh Individual DevOps; IaC; AWS Architect; Open-Source Community efforts
Leo Toff Individual Development; DevOps; CI/CD; Testing; Documentation; open-source community efforts
Stephen Oyetoro Individual Development; Testing; Documentation; open-source community efforts
Daniel Sanchez Diaz Individual DevOps; SRE; InfoSec; IaC; Docker; Kubernetes; open-source community efforts
Krasimir Koeff Individual DevOps; SRE; IaC; Docker; Kubernetes; Development; Testing; Documentation; open-source community efforts
Maido Käära Individual AWS; DevOps; IaC; Fullstack Engineer; open-source community efforts
Denis Arslanbekov Individual Development; Documentation; Testing; open-source community efforts
Krishna Khong Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Bart van der Braak Individual Open-Source Community efforts; DevOps; Development; Testing; SRE; Azure
Ronen Niv Individual Development; Documentation; Testing; open-source community efforts
Alberto Zanafredi Cloudfire Srl Individual DevOps; IaC; BADaaS Engineer;
Leon Menkreo Individual ML Engineer; MLOps; DevOps
Simone Ragonesi Individual DevOps; CI/CD; Documentation; Testing; open-source community efforts
Borys Levkovych Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Jay Pathak Individual Development; Documentation; Testing; open-source community efforts
B. Hamonangan Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Jiseong Moon Individual Cloud Engineer; SRE; Testing; open-source community efforts
Istvan Nagy Individual Development; DevOps; CI/CD; Testing; Documentation; open-source community efforts
Simon So Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Justin Rubek Individual Development; Infrastructure; open-source community efforts
Piero Lenzo Individual Development; SysAdmin Linux; DevOps & Cloud engineer; AWS; open-source community efforts
Juranir Santos Individual Development; Documentation; Testing; open-source community efforts
Fabrizio Sgura Individual Development; Documentation; Testing; open-source community efforts
Hector Ventura Individual Development; Documentation; Testing; open-source community efforts
Lav Joshi Individual Development; Documentation; Testing; open-source community efforts
Yao Lu Individual DevOps; IaC related CI/CD platforms; Cloud native; Netx generation of cloud computing
Tejashwi Kalp Taru Individual AWS Specialist; DevOps; k8s; Development; open source community efforts
Daniel Cabaceira Individual Development; Documentation; Testing; open-source community efforts
Matheus Monte Individual Development; Documentation; Testing; open-source community efforts
Ravi Bhure Individual Development; SysAdmin Linux; DevOps & Cloud engineer; AWS; open-source community efforts
Elisiário Couto Individual Open-source community efforts; DevOps; Documentation; Development
Sergey Kutovoy Individual Development; Documentation; Testing; open-source community efforts
Ryan Eskin Individual Development; Documentation; Testing; open-source community efforts
Ali Sajid Imami Individual Development; Documentation; Testing; open-source community efforts
Jonathan Dyallo Individual Development; Cloud Engineer; DevOps; Open-Source Community Efforts;
Ryan Hamonangan Individual Development; Documentation; Testing; open-source community efforts
Wellington Nunes Individual DevOps; SysAdmin ; SRE ; CloudOps ; open-source community efforts
Ravi Prakash Bharti Individual Research & Development; Open-source community efforts; Terraform provider developer at a cloud provider
Levi Leopoldino Alves Levinux Individual DevOps Engineer; SysAdmin Linux; Documentation; Testing; open-source community efforts
DanKa Individual SRE; Developer; SysAdmin; open-source community efforts
Kevin Gross Individual DevOps; SysAdmin; SRE; CloudOps; AWS; open-source community efforts
Josh Balduff Individual DevOps; SRE; Development; Documentation; open-source community efforts
Walter Munguia Individual SRE, SysAdmin Linux&Windows; ingeniero DevOps & Cloud; colaborador de la comunidad open-source
Andrew Strozyk Individual SRE; open-source community efforts
Faruk Cebeci Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Jhon Keneth Namias Individual DevOps; Development; Documentation; open-source community efforts
Leonardo Alvarenga Individual Development; documentation; open-source community efforts
Kyle Bisley Individual DevOps; Development; Documentation; open-source community efforts
Patrick Joyce Individual DevOps; Cloud Engineer; open-source community efforts
Reese Armstrong Individual
Nikolas Lucansky Individual DevOps; SRE; Development; Documentation; open-source community efforts
Edgar Daniel Acosta Individual DevOps Engineer
Joseph Welling Individual Software Engineer
Thomas Zwarts Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Saurabh Chopra Individual Senior MLOps Engineer
Dries Drofmans Individual Testing, Documentation and Development
Jyotirmoy Bandyopadhayaya Individual DevOps; SDE; Development; open-source community efforts
Anton Kuligin Individual DevOps; Cloud Engineer; Development; open-source community efforts
Carlos Alfonso Pérez Rivera Individual Systems Administrator, Azure DevOps Engineer certified
David Klein Individual Software Engineer; Development; DevOps
Raditz Farhan Individual Testing; Documentation; open-source community efforts
Champion Ogunsina Individual Software Engineer
Matthew Rose Individual Development; Testing; Documentation; open-source community efforts
Eden Yemini Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Tom Kondat Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Mohamed Abukar Individual DevOps; Development; Open-source community efforts; Documentation; Cloud/AWS; Providers; Linux; Testing/Terratest
Alladeila Individual Web development; Open-source community efforts; Linux
Sambo Chea Individual Education; System Administrator; Testing; Development; open-source community efforts
Jan Keith Darunday Individual Development; DevOps; Testing; Web3 development; Open-source community efforts
Jason Yee Individual DevOps; Development; Open-source community efforts
Bijay Nayak Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Jorge Pelaez Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Majdi Dhissi Individual AWS; OCI; Microsoft .NET; Development; DevOps; GitOps; Observability; Telemetry; Instrumentation
Satyajit Ghana Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Dilshad Individual DevOps; Development; open-source community efforts
Ruslan Norberg Individual Software Engineer
Omkar Kirpan Individual Development; DevOps; Web developement; Fullstack and open-source community efforts
Kiridharan S Individual Development; open-source community efforts ; solution architect
Zilvinas Kucinskas Individual Development; Testing; Open-source community efforts
Nazim Can Isik Individual Development; DevOps; Cloud/AWS
Mohammed Kapasi Individual DevOps; Development; open-source community efforts
Pankaj Arora Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Frane Caleta Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Dev Patel Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Chenna Sandeep Kumar Individual Development; open-source community efforts
David J Eddy Individual Cloud engineer; Documentation; Development; DevSecOps; OSS; SRE
Jan-Otto Kröpke Individual SRE; Cloud Native Architect; OpenSource Maintainer
Hein Htet Win Individual DevOps; Development; open-source community efforts
Shan Arosh Individual Development; Cloud Engineer; DevOps; Open-source community efforts
Yao Kuan Individual Development; Testing; Documentation; open-source community efforts
Cody Hodkinson Individual SysAdmin; DevOps; Infrastructure
Stefan Hojer Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Arik Goldshtein Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Ofir Shtrull Individual DevOps; open-source community efforts
Zhenguo Niu Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Besart Sulejmani Individual Mentoring; Educating: Development; open-source community efforts
Nick Katsios Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Nick Fuenmayor Individual Product Design, UX/UI, Front-End Development, Branding; open-source community efforts; helping on user experience strategies, product strategy/design, design systems and visual design in general.
Sergio Adorna Individual Development; open-source community efforts: Infrablocks
Julian Weins Individual DevOps; Testing; Documentation; open-source community efforts
Sebastian Poxhofer Individual Development; tool integrations; open-source community efforts
Bruno Funnie Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Jakub Bialoskorski Individual DevOps; Cloud Engineer; Infrastructure
Marcos Daniel Torres Individual Development; tool integrations; open-source community efforts
Kaan Ceylan Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Jack Louvton Individual DevOps; Cloud Architect; open-source community efforts
Rudranil Sarkar Individual Lead DevOps Engineer; open-source community efforts
Shehryar Jehanzeb Bokhari Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Igal Klebanov Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Andrew X. Shah Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Jim Diroff II Individual Technologist; Developer; open-source community efforts
Ian Miell Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Aaron Earles Individual Cloud Engineer; Infrastructure; open-source community efforts
Rahmat Wismoyo Individual IT Infrastructure; Sysadmin; Devops; open-source community efforts
Nam Hai Nguyen Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Conrad Kite Individual Sr DevOps Engineer; open-source community efforts
Jerry Braun Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Michael D Roach Individual DevOps/Platform Engineer; Documentation, Development, Testing
Osama Bashir Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Luna Bowley Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Shane Redman Individual DevOps; SRE; Development; open-source community efforts
Ramiro Decatri Individual DevOps; SRE; Cloud Architect; Open-source community efforts
Éric Boily Individual DevOps; open-source community efforts
Shyamal Kirpan Individual DevOps; open-source community efforts
Francesco Vallone Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Lukasz Wrzolek Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Michael Kemmerzell Individual DevOps / Platform / Cloud Engineer; open-source community efforts
Adrian Rico Individual Cloud Architect; SRE; Development; Testing; Documentation; open-source community efforts
Peter Bresic Individual Development;DevOps; open-source community efforts
Vishnu Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Le Hoai Nam Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Antony Bailey Individual Lead DevOps Engineer; open-source community efforts
Razvan-Antonio Berbece Individual Development; DevOps; Documentation; open-source community efforts
Riadh Chougui Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Fred Pena Individual Development; Tool Integrations; Documentation; Testing; Open-Source Community Efforts
Juan Diego Lopez Individual Development; Tool Integrations; Documentation; Testing; open-source community efforts
Serhii Povísenko Individual System Architect; open-source community efforts
Raz Ben Simon Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Aidan Behrens Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Matt Charlton Individual DevOps; SRE; Development; open-source community efforts
Aaron Cupp Individual DevOps; SRE; Systems Engineer; open-source community efforts
XinDi Hu Individual DevOps; SRE; Development
Harris Sin Individual DevOps; SRE; Development; open-source community efforts
Minkyu Lee Individual DevOps; SRE; Cloud Architect; Kubernetes; K-PaaS; Open-source community efforts
Jamie Cottrell Individual DevOps Engineer
John Chan Individual Software/DevOps Engineer; open-source community efforts
Denis Tu Individual DevOps; open-source community efforts
Lorentiii Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Martin Kraus Larsen Individual DevOps; SRE; Cloud Architect; Open-source community efforts
Jason Zhang Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Wissem Belguidoum Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Julie Paillusseau Individual Testing; Open-source community efforts
Soheil Shaikh Individual DevOps; Cybersecurity; Open-Source community
Moses Tapfuma Individual Development; Cloud; DevOps; SRE; Platform Engineer; open-source community efforts
Mageshwaran Sekar Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Varaprasadh Alajangi Individual Cloud Developer; open-source community efforts
Piyush Pangtey Individual Development; Documentation; open-source community efforts
Yichao Xie Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Elijah Olmos Individual Testing; open-source community efforts
David Beale Individual Development; SRE; Education; Outreach; Fundraising; open-source community efforts
Maxime Bellet Individual Development; Tool Integrations; Documentation; open-source community efforts
Tim Coulson Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Jesucrypto Individual DevOps; SRE; Crypto Enthusiast; open-source community efforts
Vesna Milovanovic Individual DevOps; Cloud; open-source community efforts
Robert Nemet Individual Development; Tool Integrations; Documentation; open-source community efforts
Ihor Antonov Individual Terraform Whisperer, Cloud Gazer
Lukas Aron Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Ben Abrams Individual Security Engineering; DevOps; SRE; open-source community efforts
Matheus Soares Individual Development; Documentation; open-source community efforts
Goh Chun Lin Individual Development; Documentation; Outreach; open-source community efforts
Robert Andruschow Individual DevOps / Site Reliability / Cloud Engineer and Consultant
Chad Hedstrom Individual DevOps; SRE; Cybersecurity; open-source community efforts
M Dzakwan Falih Individual Testing; Cloud; Documentation; Education; open-source community efforts
Gianluigi Mucciolo Individual Cloud; DevOps; AWS Trainer; Machine Learning/AI; open-source community efforts
JShatil Khan Individual Development; Web3; Documentation; open-source community efforts
pasdam Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Pedro Nieto Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Will Tomlinson Individual Development; Cloud; DevOps; SRE; Platform Engineer
CoPokBl Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Lukasz Wrzolek Individual Development; Cloud; DevOps; SRE; Platform Engineer; open-source community efforts
[Assassin] Individual Development; open-source community efforts
sjaghori Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Oren Shomrai Individual Software/Full Stack Development; CI/CD; Open-Source community efforts
scurow Individual DevOps; Systems Engineer
Jan Dalmau Individual Web3; Encryption as a service; Development; open-source community efforts
Jonata Araujo Individual DevOps; Cloud Engineer; open-source community efforts
Amal Jith Individual Development; Documentation; open-source community efforts
pasdam Individual Development; UX; DevOps; Development; OSCE
derekmckinnon Individual Development; DevOps; open-source community efforts
Haydn Thomson Individual Development; Documentation; open-source community efforts
Joe Vaughan Individual Development; DevOps; SRE; open-source community efforts
pixelblob Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Oleksiy Pototskyy Individual Cloud Architect; Principal DevOps; Educator; Driving Digital Transformation
Alex Caesar Individual Development; DevOps; SRE; open-source community efforts
Haig Nalbandian Individual Development; DevOps; SRE
Daniel Wasserlauf Individual Cloud Development; Kubernetes; Cloud Architect; open-source community efforts
Jake Burn Individual Platform Engineer; open-source community efforts
Jakob Kubicki Individual Development; DevOps; open-source community efforts
bethdevopsbunny Individual Senior Devops; open-source community efforts
Brian Pennington Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Swapnil Kulkarni Individual Devops; SRE; Platform Engineering; open-source community efforts
Yew Lee, Wong Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Piyush Sonigra Individual DevOps; open-source community efforts
Karanvir Singh Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Kanishk Padhi Individual DevOps; Cloud; open-source community efforts
dresswithpockets Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Nadhir Ferdji Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Chris Chávez Individual Development; DevOps; open-source community efforts
Matt Bravo Individual IT Infrastructure; open-source community efforts
Dhanush Shetty Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Fernando Soster Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Aleksa Siriški Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Md Ashad Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Aditya Raval Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Sara Carvalho Individual Python programmer; Cybersecurity certified; open-source community efforts
mdsanima Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Liu Cao Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Zain Arshad Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Caner Korkut Individual IT Infrastructure; open-source community efforts
Dimitri Vasdekis Individual Data Engineering; DataDevOps; CICD; Infrastructure as code; Scientific Compute;
Gokul AV Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Gerhard Häring Individual Development; evangelism; open-source community efforts
Fouad JADOUANI Individual Development; Infrastructure; open-source community efforts
Nicolas Georger Individual SRE, DevOps and Platform Engineering Community
Miguel Carneiro Individual Development; Infrastructure; open-source community efforts
Yuri Socher Bichibichi Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Kevin Fu Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Konrad Rozycki Individual SRE; DevOps; Platform Engineer
Raunak Gupta Individual DevOps; Cloud; Help teams adopt scalable Open Source IaC tools
Avijeet Singh Mandloi Individual Development; Infrastructure; open-source community efforts
Arthur Roda Individual DevOps; Cloud Architect; open-source community efforts
Katia Esposito Individual SRE; Development; open-source community efforts
Adriano Sela Aviles Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Renjith Ravindranathan Individual Plaform Engineering; DevOps; IaC; CICD; Dev Experience; Cloud Native
Rajeev Kumar Individual Drupal Developer; DevOps; Open-Source Evangelist;
Benji Peng Individual Development; STEM Research; open-source community efforts
HyeonSu Im (임현수) Individual DevOps; Cloud Architect; open-source community efforts
Shimon Elbaz Individual Development; Infrastructure; open-source community efforts
Adam Gold Individual DevOps Engineer; open-source community efforts
Mert Kaan Individual Development;DevOps; open-source community efforts
Santiago Hernandez Individual Cloud Architect; DevOps; SRE; Cybersecurity; open-source community efforts
Joshua C. Adkisson Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Avichay Eyal Individual Development; Infrastructure; Tooling; open-source community efforts
Matt Paine Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Stephan Lindauer Individual Platform Engineering; Platform Architecture; open-source community efforts
Marcelo Ferreira Cândido Individual Development; DevOps; SRE; Platform Engineering
Diogo "Iwaslazkis" Iwasaki Individual Development; Documentation; Educating; Open-source community efforts
Mark van Holsteijn Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Zaid Afaneh Individual DevOps Engineer; Cyber Security; Jordan Open Source Association (JOSA); open-source community
Fuad Ahmed Individual Development; DevOps; SRE; Platform Engineering
Amine MATOUK Individual Development; Documentation; Educating; Open-source community efforts; Infrastructure;
Russell de Pina Individual Development; Documentation; Educating; Open-source community efforts
Nick Cicchetti Individual Platform Engineering; Platform Architecture; open-source community efforts
Guanhua Ding Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Satish Gaikwad Individual Development; open-source community efforts; Helping teams adopt scalable Open Source IaC tools
Jack Harter Individual DevOps; SRE; Platform Engineering; open-source Practices and Evangelism
Syasusu Individual DevOps; IaC; Cloud Native; Open-source community efforts
Eugene Kryukov Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Ronald A DeMena III Individual Engineering, Security, Open-Source Community Efforts
Jacek Nikiel Individual Open-source enthusiast
Gary Greene Individual Full Stack Engineer; DevOps; Infrastructure Engineering
John Homer Alvero Individual Platform Engineering; DevOps
Michelle Lee Individual DevOps; Cloud Architect;
ChiSong Yu Individual DevOps; Cloud Architect; open-source community efforts
Anthony Wong Individual Platform Engineering; DevOps; SRE; Full Stack Engineer;
Andrei Romanov Individual Cloud Engineering; DevOps; Open-source community efforts
Anuj Tiwari Individual Open-source contributor; Open-source community efforts
Kjell-Magnus Grime Individual Cloud Engineering; DevOps; Open-source community efforts
Andrew Bondarenko Individual SRE; DevOps; Development; Architecture; open-source community efforts
Tran Dinh Dong Individual Cloud Architect; DevOps
Matt Abrams Individual Cloud Architect; DevOps
Stefan Aichholzer Individual Solution architect; Full stack engineer; Platform engineer; DevOps
Armando Serrano Individual DevOps; SRE; Platform Engineering; Cloud Architect
Ludovic Piot Individual DevOps for 20 years, Cloud architect/engineer for 13 years
Diego Alves Dias Individual Platform Engineering; Infrastructure Specialist; DevOps; SRE
Pablo Oliveira Individual Documentation; Educating
Saba Sakvarelidze Individual DevOps; CloudOps; Platform Engineering; Development
Gedalyah Reback Individual Development; Open-Source Community Efforts, Documentation, Evangelism
John Norton Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Ryan Parman Individual Experienced Software/Security/Cloud/Platform Engineer; Prolific Documentarian; Dabbler in Terraform internals; Thinks in UX/DX.
Josh Kirkwood Individual Cloud Engineering; DevOps; Open-source community efforts
H. Kamran Individual Development; open-source community efforts
John Turner Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Aalekh Patel Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Kumulus Technologies Company Education; Integration; Open-Source Community Efforts; Documentation
Aarna Networks Company Development; open-source community efforts
Anubhav Vats Individual Plaform Engineering; Full Stack Engineering; DevOps;
Donald Sebastian Leung Individual Cloud Technical Specialist; DevOps; DevSecOps; GitOps
Eran Sery Individual Open-Source; DevOps; SRE; Platform Engineering; k8s
Dylan M. Taylor Individual DevOps; Cloud Engineer; Infrastructure; open-source community efforts
Baiju Joseph Thalupadath Individual Engineering Leader; DevOps; SRE; Quality Engineering; Infrastructure; Cloud; open-source community efforts
Diogo Dias Individual DevOps; Cloud Engineer; Infrastructure;
Rob Stolte Individual Development; ICT Infrastructure
Mariano De Pedro Individual DevOps; Cloud Architect; open-source community efforts
Matheus Dantas Ricardo Individual Devops; Cloud; CI/CD; Integrations; open-source community efforts
Muktesh Mishra Individual Platform Engineering; Dev Experience; Cloud Native; Open-source community efforts
Cein Markey Individual Platform Engineering; Software Engineering; DevOps; open-source community efforts
Tobias Lindberg Individual DevOps/Cloud Consultant; open-source community efforts
Adolfo Suzano Individual Development; DevOps; open-source community efforts
Bhabani Sankar Individual DevOps; IaC; Cloud Native; Security, Open-Source Community Efforts
Cycloid - Sustainable Platform Engineering Company Development; open-source community efforts
Rijo Thomas Individual DevOps; open-source community efforts
Joey Stout Individual Platform Engineering; DevOps; SRE; Documentation; Open-Source Community Efforts
Luis Giraldo Individual SRE; open-source community efforts
Joeri Abbo Individual Backend Developer, DevOps and Cloud architect
Piyush Dhall Individual Development; Open-Source Community Efforts, Documentation, Evangelism
Ali Fath Individual Development; DevOps
Aleksandr Danilov Individual Platform Engineering; DevOps; Open-source community efforts
Robin von Bülow Individual Development, Open-Source Community Efforts, Documentation, Consulting
Shabeeb Khalid Individual DevOps; Solutions Architect; Platform Engineering
Mihai Miuta Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Tassilo Moedl Individual Development; Server Administrator; open-source community efforts
StatusNeo Company Platform Engineering, SRE, DevOps; Open-Source Community Efforts, Documentation, Evangelism
Pratik Jain Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Priom Chowdhury Individual Web 3.0; DevOps; Developer; Open-Source Evangelist
Martino Mensio Individual Testing; open-source community efforts
Mikzuit Individual Platform Engineer, DevOps Architect, Cloud Architect, Microservices Architect
Li Ling Tan Individual Infrastructure Engineering, DevOps
Emanuel Schmoczer Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Sava Vukovic Individual DevOps; Platform Engineering; Development
Priyansh Negi Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Joel Oduyemi Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Teo Cheng Lim Individual DevOps; open-source community efforts
Moualhi Zine El Abidine Individual DevOps; SRE; Infrastructure; Quality Engineering; Cloud Engineer;
Yogendra Pal Individual Development; open-source community efforts
Jose Manuel Valente Individual DevSecOps; Cloud Solutions Architecture
Robert McKenney Individual Education; open-source community efforts
Dejan Gregor Individual DevOps; Development; Testing; Open Source Evangelism
Jerome Guibert Individual Architect, SRE, Cloud Engineer, open-source community efforts
Hannes Lange Individual Customer Success Engineer, open source community efforts, Developer
Balachandran Sivakumar Individual Development; Testing; Open Source Evangelism
Rossen Karpuzov Individual Open-source community efforts; DevOps; System Administrator
Frank Bernhardt Individual Open-source and DevOps enthusiast
Philip Davies Individual Platform Engineer; DevOps Architect; Cloud Architect; open-source community efforts
Nathan Stephenson Individual DevOps; Platform Engineering; Development
Rob Ericsson Individual DevOps; open-source community efforts